
Showing posts from July, 2020

National Webinar - 17.07.2020

Dating Geo-Archaeological Materials using Luminescence                  Our Department Organized a National Webinar on the Topic " Dating Geo - Archaeological materials using Luminescence" . Mrs.R.Suya Padhra Haridha organized the    Webinar and Mrs.S.Sudha Coordinate the Programme. The Participants from other countries are included. With support our faculty members, the  programme successfully ended

Webinar - 15.07.2020

Surface Ozone Air Pollution and its impact on the Environment                          Our Department Organized a Webinar on the Topic " Surface Ozone Air Pollution and its Impact on the Environment". Mrs.R.Suya Padhra Haridha   convened the Programme and Dr.N.Rathna Organized the Webinar. The Participants frome other States are included. With the Support of our Faculty members the programme  successfully ended.

Webinar- 09.07.2020

Spectroscopic Identification Materials          Our Department & EdusxX jointly Organized a online Webinar on the Topic "Spectroscopic Identification of Materials" .Mrs.R.Suya Padhra Haridha convened the Webinar, Ms.D.MariSelvi organized the Programme. The Participants from various Colleges are included. With the support of our Department Faculty Mempers the   Programme successfully ended.

FDP - 02.07.2020

Virtual Learning Platform for Experimental Science                     Our Department organized a Faculty Development Programme for Science Faculty of Schools and Colleges on the Topic " Virtual Learning Platform for Experimental Science" . Mrs.R.Suya Padhra Haridha   convened the FDP. Ms.S.Ananthi   coordinate the Programme. The Participants from other states are included. With the support of our Department Faculty Members the Programme successfully ended.