
Showing posts from 2020

National Webinar - 17.07.2020

Dating Geo-Archaeological Materials using Luminescence                  Our Department Organized a National Webinar on the Topic " Dating Geo - Archaeological materials using Luminescence" . Mrs.R.Suya Padhra Haridha organized the    Webinar and Mrs.S.Sudha Coordinate the Programme. The Participants from other countries are included. With support our faculty members, the  programme successfully ended

Webinar - 15.07.2020

Surface Ozone Air Pollution and its impact on the Environment                          Our Department Organized a Webinar on the Topic " Surface Ozone Air Pollution and its Impact on the Environment". Mrs.R.Suya Padhra Haridha   convened the Programme and Dr.N.Rathna Organized the Webinar. The Participants frome other States are included. With the Support of our Faculty members the programme  successfully ended.

Webinar- 09.07.2020

Spectroscopic Identification Materials          Our Department & EdusxX jointly Organized a online Webinar on the Topic "Spectroscopic Identification of Materials" .Mrs.R.Suya Padhra Haridha convened the Webinar, Ms.D.MariSelvi organized the Programme. The Participants from various Colleges are included. With the support of our Department Faculty Mempers the   Programme successfully ended.

FDP - 02.07.2020

Virtual Learning Platform for Experimental Science                     Our Department organized a Faculty Development Programme for Science Faculty of Schools and Colleges on the Topic " Virtual Learning Platform for Experimental Science" . Mrs.R.Suya Padhra Haridha   convened the FDP. Ms.S.Ananthi   coordinate the Programme. The Participants from other states are included. With the support of our Department Faculty Members the Programme successfully ended.

Webinar - 17.05.2020

Psychological Enrichment and Humanity           Our Department organized a Webinar on the Topic" Psychological Enrichment and Humanity". Mrs.R.Suya Padhra Haridha convened the Webinar. Dr.N.Rathna   Coordinate the Programme. The Participants from various Colleges are included. With the support of our Department Faculty Members the Programme successfully ended.

Study Material

To refer Click the link below,                                                        

II Internal Time Table

Second  Internal Exams are schedule on March 2020.                           To view the timetable for the II  Internal exam, go to the link below            Click here to view PDF

National Science Day

Debate Competition....... Topic: Scientific Achievements of India. Judge: Dr. E. Vasuki,            Assistant Professor,            Department of Tamil,            A.P.C. Mahalaxmi College for Women,            Thoothukudi. Beneficaries: I, II, & III Physics Venue: Department of Physics.

Guest Lecture

Topic:   Mental Health Issues of Women. Guest Speaker: Prof. A.Jeyakumar, M.Sc., M.Phil., M.Sc., MDPN., DSC.,                                             Pyschotherapist and Counsellor,                                     Sacred Heart Hospital, Thoothukudi. Beneficiaries:   I & III Physics  Venue:   New Seminar Hall

Guest Lecture


Result - Poster Presentation

Congratulation!!!!!!!! First Prize 🏆 Name: M.Divya Class: I B.A. English                                                                                                                                                                      Second Prize 🏆 Name: B.Sri Prasanna Devi Class: III B.Sc. Physics We also congrats the students those who have participate in this competition 👍

Special day program

In Commemoration with Kalpana Chawla Memorial day , Our department has conducted an Inter Departmental- "Poster Presentation" competition on the topic "Wonders of Science" . Judge: Dr.P.Yokeswari Nithya,              Assistant Professor of Chemistry,              A.P.C. Mahalaxmi College for Women,              Thoothukudi-2.

I Internal timetable

First Internal Exams are schedule on first week of February 2020.                                  To view the timetable for the I Internal exam, go to the link below                                          Click here for open PDF

Pongal Celebration

Traditional Day        The day for farmer and it is the day for sun.  Wishing that this festival brings good luck and prosperity and hoping that it is joyous and fills ahead with happiness. Pongal celebration by our final year students. Pongal celebration by our second year students. Pongal celebration by our first year students. May the sweetness of milk and sugarcane fill you happiness.             "Happy Pongal"